Oriol Romeu finds the exit door from Barcelona

Oriol Romeu started his period with Barcelona with remarkable brilliance, but with the passage of time his star began to fade, his level decreased, and he lost his position in the starting lineup, turning into a substitute player.

Oriol Romeu has a three-year contract with Barcelona, ​​but it is clear that the level presented by the 32-year-old midfielder makes him the first player that the club will consider getting rid of in the next summer market. Maybe earlier than that.

Before moving to Barcelona, ​​Romeu was the most important player in the Girona team, which is performing at its best level in its history in the Spanish League this season, as it leads the competition with 31 points after 12 matches.

Under these circumstances, the Girona club opened the door for Romeu to return to the team, which still carries good memories of him, according to the Catalan newspaper Sport.

This is demonstrated by the fact that Girona’s sports director, Quique Cárcel, in an extensive interview given to ‘Diari de Girona’ , does not forget him. Questioned about a possible return of the footballer to Girona lands, far from throwing balls out, he is very clear when it comes to leaving the doors wide open.

“Personally, I would like it one hundred percent,” Cárcel responded, convinced that he could continue contributing many things dressed in the red and white shirt. In fact, he assures that he “has given us magical things” and reveals that “many players have told me that he has taught them how to compete.”

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