Kevin Prince Boateng’s big lie that Barcelona fans will hate

There are those who consider the entire career of Kevin Prince Boateng, a footballer who once wore the jersey of FC Barcelona, ​​to be a big lie. But let’s face it, the much-discussed former striker is undoubtedly a star.

And, once retired from playing active football, the Ghanaian born in Berlin has revealed something that, without a doubt, will keep practically the entire Blaugrana social mass awake at night.

Invited to Rio Ferdinand’s podcast, the recently retired KPB has revealed that he is a fan… of Real Madrid. “Barcelona fans are going to hate me, but I was from Real Madrid. They asked me at the presentation press conference what my favorite club was, and I said Barça .”

The lie of good old Kevin Prince Boateng does not stop there.

Thus, he reveals that when they asked him who was the best in the world, he pointed to Leo Messi even though he didn’t think about it: “It’s one of my big lies, because I usually tell the truth. But I couldn’t say it because it was the only way to wear the shirt.” From Barcelona”.

Such ‘sincerity’ ran parallel to his career at Can Barça , where he only played four games, obviously without scoring. Without a doubt, an inexplicable signing.

Source: Sport

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