The defeat against Arsenal prove that 3 players are not fit for Barcelona – laporta is moving to sign their replacements

Barça once again showed in the first friendly of the preseason that they may have a problem on the wings. Only the appearance of Balde stopped the bleeding on the left side, while Dest and Sergi Roberto had many problems on the right.

The sports area and the coaching staff are very clear that there is time for corrections and the coach wants a more physical right-back to face a season with guarantees in Europe.

Xavi came out against Arsenal with Dest on the right and Marcos Alonso on the left and he suffered. Above all, Marcos Alonso could not with his opponents and the axis of the defense was not fine in the aid. As happened last season, Barça suffered a lot from the wings and Xavi hopes to find solutions in the remainder of the market.

It also became clear that Koundé is starting as a central defender this season and Sergi Roberto returned to play as a right-back in the second half, an anomaly that the coaching staff hopes to solve.

It will be necessary to see if Dest finally passes the exam and stays, but even so, the Blaugrana club is going to move for a specialist on the right flank as one of the top priorities in the remainder of the market.

The Blaugrana club, for now, does not have much investment capacity but the idea of ​​the new sports director, Deco, is to bring in a young player with projection. A bet that involves a minimal investment and that can be exploited in the team to solve the problem in the coming years.

Xavi would like a more experienced player, but the options being considered are too expensive.

Source: Sport

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