Luis Enrique strange reaction after a question about the chants of the PSG ultras insulting Barcelona

Luis Enrique showed a strange reaction when he was asked about the insulting chants directed at Barcelona by the Paris Saint-Germain ultras group during the Clermont match the day before yesterday in the French League.

The journalist asked Luis Enrique a question, saying: “After the end of the match, we heard insulting chants for Barcelona from the fans, especially from the stands of the Paris Saint-Germain terraces. I imagine that you do not want them to repeat these chants in next Wednesday’s Champions League match.”

After the journalist finished his question, Luis Enrique waited a little while for the translation to arrive, and then he laughed in a strange way and then answered, saying: “I really want to watch a great match between two great clubs in which the spirit of sportsmanship prevails.”

He added: “Sports are like life. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose, and you must always show respect to all competitors, referees, opposing players and their families when they lose, but I hoped that Paris Saint-Germain would be the winner of the match.”

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