The first major team to join to Barça and Madrid in the Super League

The issue of the European Super League project has returned to the forefront again after the European Union Court of Justice ruled on the legality of this tournament, which will be held outside the UEFA umbrella.

When the European Super League project came to light two years ago, it was met with strong rejection from the European Football Association and many clubs and governments, and only Barcelona and Real Madrid adhered to its legitimacy, which withstood a large wave of criticism.

UEFA quickly announced its categorical rejection of that project, even after a ruling on its legality was issued by the highest court in the European Union. This was followed by statements rejecting participation from major clubs such as Bayern Munich, Manchester United, Manchester City and Atletico Madrid.

But amidst all this rejection, a supporter appeared from one of the major clubs for the European Super League project, namely Napoli, the Italian league champion.

According to Sport, Napoli’s president, Aurelio De Laurentiis, welcomed the ruling issued by the UEFA Court of Justice regarding the UEFA Super League.

According to the Italian agency ANSA, De Laurentiis would be willing to participate in a dialogue with other major European clubs to build a Super League project together.

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