“The hardest thing I have ever said in my life”.. Xavi reveals his speech to Barcelona players at halftime of Almeria game

The coach of FC Barcelona, ​​Xavi Hernández, offered a historic press conference this Wednesday. He left one headline after another and, as he confessed, he opened up “in channel”. He spoke truths like fists to give a public attention to the team, which He had already received it before in the privacy of the booth. It is the turning point. From now on another Barça is expected.

“The first half is unacceptable, we lacked aggression, intensity and I told the players that at half-time. If we lack effectiveness, we must have soul. Either we run and work like animals or we don’t get it, we don’t have the Barça of 2010,” he said, adding that “last year we won through aggressiveness, recovering balls, for effectiveness in the areas… what we cannot do is not give everything. In the second half it was a different team. Either we give up our skin or our lives or we won’t win anything. If it doesn’t come to us through football, it must come to us through our soul,” he said.

The Egarense coach argued that “it is very serious that a team that has only won one League does not have a soul, but it will not happen again. It is my responsibility”. And he confessed that “during the break I had the toughest talk of my career as a coach. Has it worked? You’ve already seen it. I liked the second half, unlike the first, and that’s why we won. I believe that the victory is fair.”

He added that “the game is going perfectly for us because the first part is what we should not do and the second, what we should do. If we play like second we can always compete for the titles.

Despite everything, he remembered that “we have not given up. The first half was not the Barça we want. We lacked intensity and rhythm. We complicate our lives ourselves. We lacked the 30 shots we took and we gave away two goals. The first half is not acceptable for our dressing room and our club. With the second part we can achieve things. With the first one, no,”, he said.

He added that “at half-time I told the players that we needed one more step, in attitude, in values, which are non-negotiable. In the second we had soul and we achieved a key victory, due to the need we have.” He confessed that “I think the first half was due to a lack of confidence, not winning any of the last three games.” In the second part we have freed ourselves..

Source: Sport

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