Laporta does it again…a disappointing leave from Barcelona ​​similar to Messi and Suarez

Barça is always looking for the best and to keep progressing, but the big problem is that many times it doesn’t succeed and it has problems to reach the goals.

Joan Laporta is very clear about his preferences and what is the path he must take so that everything goes better, and that is why he is thinking about a new and disappointing goodbye like those of Leo Messi and Luis Suárez .

Messi and Suárez, two great football stars who had to leave Barça in the worst possible way. Rather, they were kicked out for different reasons, but the reality is that they left against their will. A technique that could be repeated in the coming months and if the Barcelona club needs it in the summer of 2024.

Lewandowski . If Barça wants to clean up, then it will have to bet on doing without the most veteran players and, therefore, with less future. The Polish striker, who is already 35 years old, is one of the candidates to pack his bags. In addition, since he has made a considerable drop in his performance , then he is more favorite to be on the Barça exit ramp.

Lewandowski is not being as decisive this season as the previous one . Although he continues to score goals, he is a more erratic striker and is losing confidence more and more quickly. If he was supposed to be a leader who marked the differences, right now he is no longer the footballer that Barça needs.

Source: El Nacional

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