The unexpected confession of Ferran Torres after Real Betis game

Ferran Torres was once again the protagonist on the day he regained his title. The Foios striker, located on the right wing, fought for each ball and drew diagonals to offer himself in attacking positions. The ‘Shark’, who finished off his performance with a great goal from a free kick, received a standing ovation in Montjuïc.

Nobody scored from a direct free kick since Messi’s last time, more than two years ago. “I didn’t know, they told me after the game. I’m glad it was me.” Asked if he feels confident about being the official thrower, he stated that “I think Robert [Lewandowski] will want to throw the next one, but they are game decisions.”

And he acknowledged, laughing, that reality was not how he planned: “My idea was to throw the free kick over the barrier, it went a little wrong, but it went in, which is the important thing.”

And he responded to Xavi’s praise at the press conference: “It is a motivation to continue working, I am mentally very calm, and in the end there is a lot that no one sees, and everything ends up paying off.”

“We are a team that has made a qualitative leap with the new additions, we are working very well and this year we are going to have a more consolidated team.”

Source: Sport

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