The ghost of Ansu Fati haunts the new Real Madrid signing

The final decision on the treatment that Arda Güler will follow to solve her knee problem has already been taken. Both in the club and in the player’s environment they already understand that the best solution is to undergo surgery and definitively rule out conservative treatment.

The white signing was injured in training on the tour and the club notified in a part of him his meniscus injury on July 29.

The player suffered a partial tear of the internal meniscus of his right knee , an injury that practically all specialists recommend surgery. Both the club’s medical services and the player opened a round of consultations with various specialists and practically all of them recommended surgery as the safest treatment.

Initially, the parties agreed to a conservative treatment, but progress is slow and does not offer long-term guarantees. The player also consulted the head of medical services for the Turkish team. And once all the reports have been compiled and with the Madrid medical services present in Valdebebas after returning from the tour, the decision to operate has been made.

The ghost of Ansu Fati

The name of Ansu Fati has sounded loud these days at Real Madrid as a result of Güler ‘s injury . They do not want a repeat of a case like the one the Barcelona player has experienced and that is why they have acted with determination, trying to make the player see that the operation is the best solution.

The footballer, at first, had reservations about going under the knife, since at only 18 years old and with the illusion of playing for Madrid, he saw the surgery as a dry stop . However, in the club they think the opposite, that the only thing conservative treatment does is delay the recovery of the soccer player.

The other point that must be decided now is the type of operation that is performed on it. As it is a partial tear of the meniscus, there are two modus operandi : the removal of part of the meniscus or its suture . The first option is only recommended in the event that the broken part of the meniscus is minimal, as it could be in the case of the Turk. The second offers more guarantees, but the downtime is longer: around five months.

In the case of removal of the meniscus, it must be taken into account how it can affect the cartilage. In the past, meniscus tears were fixed by removing it completely , which ended up shortening the footballer’s career due to cartilage problems. Now, suturing is the best solution, except in cases of minimal rupture, which opens other pathways.

Arda Güler is at that point right now, who at the first exchange has encountered a major setback at Real Madrid.

Source: Marca

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