The “Kounde clause” that Gundogan requested to include in his contract with Barcelona

The Catalan newspaper Sport said that Elkay Gundogan stipulated that a specific clause be placed in his contract with Barcelona to agree to the completion of the deal.

Barcelona reached final agreement with the German midfielder to move to the Catalan club in a free transfer deal after the expiry of his contract with Manchester City, who tried to renew with him, but was ultimately refused.

Although Gundogan passed the medical examination in Germany, Barcelona or the player himself has not officially announced the deal yet, and it seems that the reason is due to the club’s need to get rid of some players to free up the salary block to allow the registration of new deals.

For this reason, Gundogan’s agents insisted on imposing a clause stipulating that Barcelona is obligated to register the player in La Liga before the first match he plays in the competition and that if the club is unable to do so, he has the right to unilaterally terminate the contract and move to any other club before the market closes.

Sport insisted that Barcelona had confirmed to Gundogan and his agents that he would be registered before July 1.

It is reported that this clause was included in the contract of Conde, who moved to Barcelona last summer, and the club actually failed to register him after the start of the league, but they quickly found a solution to the crisis, and he was registered later.

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