After his brilliance vs Man City – Barcelona decides to sign Inter Milan captain

Inter Milan is going to launch for the signing of Kessié starting next week when it will begin to implement its planning. The Italian club asked to speak after the Champions League final and is targeting the blaugrana although their plan is to propose an exchange given the impossibility of facing a transfer of more than 30 million euros.

The Italian club wants to reinforce its midfield after its successful season that failed to culminate in the European title in a hotly contested final.

With Barça there have already been several summits to probe the arrival of Kessié, but the two clubs no longer have room for more and in the coming days everything must be decided for better or worse.

Inter knows that they will not be able to compete if an economic proposal for the transfer of the Premier arrives, but they have the will of the player to return to Italy.

Kessié, for now, has told Barça that he wants to stay, but the club has told him that he will not have minutes so he could open up to find a solution if he chooses a destination and this could be Inter.

At Barça they would prioritize a sale, but everything is in the hands of the player and the understanding with Inter is complicated given the difficulty of an exchange. The Italians have come to propose Correa and Dumfries, but these players do not fit in at Barça.

Another thing would be Brozovic. He is a liked midfielder and his Champions League final was closely followed at the club and he did not disappoint.

He was one of the best in the game and showed his personality in midfield. It remains to be seen if an agreement is reached.

Source: Sport

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